Discover Paris
There’s a reason Paris is sometimes called “Canada’s Prettiest Little Town.” Its Victorian downtown core offers a tranquil escape from big-city bustle, while its historic cobblestone homes offer a visual reminder of Canada’s past. A lazy stroll down the town’s main street reveals a trove of unique cafés, shops, and even a scenic lookout over the majestic Grand River. For those craving adventure, Paris’s location amid golf courses, parks and trails provides the perfect starting point for outdoor exploration and recreation. Transformed from former railway lines, the Grand River trails — just minutes from the Arlington Hotel — are perfect for hiking, cycling and cross-country skiing.
Paris’s location at the forks of the Grand and Nith Rivers also makes it a unique summer attraction in Southern Ontario. Whether you enjoy fishing, canoeing, kayaking or rafting, the town’s location puts the area’s endless natural splendour in easy reach. Located in the heart of southwestern Ontario, Paris is a short drive from Hamilton, Cambridge and the Waterloo region, and is easily accessible from London, Guelph, and the GTA.
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